I am broke. How can I save some extra cash?

Saving money can be difficult at any time, whether you have money or you do not. Here are 5 examples of ways to save some extra cash.

1) Find ways to cut out the extras. Do you really need that expensive phone plan? Do you really need to buy that extra DVD? Do you really need to buy that extra item on Ebay? Find ways to cut these things out. As long as they are not considered a necessity, you can afford to get rid of it.

2) Find ways to bag your lunch or dinner. I used to do this when I worked retail. I would always bring my stuff into work. Others would spend money on ordering out. It gets really expensive after a while. It will add up too. Find ways to cut out eating out at diners. Learn to cook at home. There is nothing better than a home- cooked meal. Eating out is a good way to add to your personal debt.

3) Make a budget. Become more frugal with your spending. This means you will have to cut down on the impulse spending. We all get into this habit. I have been guilty of this one myself. Set aside a certain amount you will be spending each month. Learn to not go over this amount. Only spend within your own means.

4) Start out small and slow. Set aside $20 a month. This will add up to about $1000 in less than 6 months. Set an amount that works for you. Exercise patience. You will make some mistakes. Forgive yourself and start fresh. Some have to start fresh several times a year before they get it right.

5) Avoid the common pitfalls. Some like to spend money once they have it. I have had this issue in the past. Exercise some caution and do not be so impulsive. Test yourself. Put something aside and wait. I do this with things I buy online. Wait for a few weeks. Are you still interested in the item? You will find that some items are simple impulse buys that need to go. Others are things you really want. This is the time to test it out and know the difference.